Delta Yowa WhatsApp v2.3.0 Anti Block Apk

Delta Yowa WhatsApp v2.2.0 Anti Block Apk

Delta YoWhatsApp By DELTALABS Studio

WhatsApp recently announced that it may ban users of GBWhatsApp. So, the developer of GBWA has said that he may never come with an update again. Taking that into mind, DELTALABS Studio has shifted its focus from DELTA GBWA to DELTA YOWA.

They have released Delta YoWhatsApp Apk. It is based on the YoWA latest version. We love their UI and customization features in DELTA Settings. So, it’s not bad to try it once.

It is not available for download in the Google Play Store. So, you can download its official latest version apk from HackTricks. Check the below section to get direct download links.

DeltaYowa WhatsApp v1.1.2 Rev

Delta Yowa v1.1.2 Comes with an anti-banned feature and of course makes the interest of WhatsApp mod applications from deltalabsite increasing.
However in version 1.1.2 there are still gaps or bugs for users of pie-based android or Android 9 .
And the article that I wrote earlier mentions that WhatsApp Mod Delta is not recommended because in version 1.1.2 that has been circulating it still has bugs or loopholes when replying to a status or contact story and also crashes when sending voice messages.
Of course, with these two gaps we will be less comfortable when using DeltaYowa WhatsApp anti-blocking v1.1.2 apk. And with so many complaints about the vulnerability, finally Admin Deltalabsite fixed it and released the latest version as " Delta Yowa v1.1.2 Rev Apk " which is a revised version of Delta Yowa WhatsApp v1.1.2 Apk.
With the release of this revised Delta Yowa version will certainly make the competition for WhatsApp mod or wa mod more stringent. And maybe WhatsApp modder will try to add superior features that have not been used by other whatsapp mods.

Delta Yowa WhatsApp v1.1.3

If you are already using the yowa delta whatsapp version 1.1.2, you will definitely find a gap in the initial appearance of WhatsApp mod on this one.
I personally find it awkward when disabling hide status when the start page is scrolled. Even so the gap is not very meaningful Because of course this WhatsApp mod is still very suitable and a lot of choices for users of whatsapp mod delta.
Delta Yowa WhatsApp v1.1.3 comes as an improvement from v1.1.2 rev which actually hasn't changed much in this update. But there is nothing wrong if you try the latest version so that the experience in using Deltayowa is more solid.
In v1.1.3 there are three variants of whatsapp with package namecom.whatsapp, com.gbwhatsapp and com.yowhatsapp which means 1 unclone version and 2 other clone versions.

Delta Yowa WhatsApp v2.1.0

The latest Delta Yowa Whatsapp v2.1.0 has been released a few days ago and is certainly already widely used by fans of whatsapp mod looks cool and anti-blocking of course. What is different from this update? Of course my friend will find some newer features that you might not be able to meet yet on other whatsapp mod applications. Like the status display or contact story that resembles a Facebook story, Instagram, square card and long box card.
For whatsapp base to use, deltalabsite uses the latest Whatsapp FM base with features and privacy that is no different from the YoWhatsapp base.

Delta Yowa WhatsApp v2.2.0

In this v2.2.0 update there are not many changes from v2.1.0, it's just that there are a few improvements and the addition of a few design features such as a search form that we can set the color and shape. Then add a row setting option on the initial display of whatsapp that we can zoom in and out on. And the gradation color options added to the tabs at the bottom.
And before continuing to download and use this anti-blocking yowa delta whatsapp application, it is better if you know a little about whatsaap mod full features of this one deltalabs.
DELTA YOWA WhatsApp is a combined version of Yowa WhatsApp and Delta Whatsapp. Previously deltalabs released a whatsapp mod called Delta WhatsApp with a simple, cool and best-selling look on the whatsapp user market. The ease of managing the appearance and privacy of the whatsapp delta makes this wa mod the choice of whatsapp mod users.
And as time goes by, modder from deltalabs finally released DeltaYowa Whatsapp which comes with a more captivating look by offering features that are not in the whatsapp delta and even other whatsapp mods cannot match this deltayowa appearance.
But finally there are some WhatsApp mods that insert a display that almost resembles the appearance of Deltayowa but not all of the Deltayowa features can be found in other wa mod applications.
One distinctive feature of Deltayowa Whatsapp is the display of contact status that resembles Instagram, and in this case there are only a few best-selling wa mods that have this feature. Like one of them RCYowa, Delta Wa and there is also a not-so-famous WhatsApp mod that has this feature.
Another cool feature of Deltayowa WhatsApp is the display of the chat, status and call log tabs that we can set the appearance. But in this case WhatsApp Aero provides more display models to use. But friend, you don't need to worry, because Deltayowa in this case also offers several tab view models with a display that cannot be underestimated.
Next is the display list of messages that can be modified, and the cool look of this message list can be in the form of a timeline which I personally think is very cool.
DeltaYowa Whatsapp also provides a very pleasant experience when we want to make a status in the form of text. Here we are free to change the color of the text and background color that we will use. And this feature is not yet widely used by other wa mod applications.
You can also replace almost all the icons in Deltayowa with your chosen icons, as well as custom wallpapers that are easily replaced, some cool fonts to use, activate the search field in the initial display of whatsapp, dnd mode, export theme import, export import whatsapp data and still there are many more features in this latest deltayowa apk.
In addition to the basic features that I have already mentioned, the yowa delta whatsapp also has special privacy settings that are found in many other whatsapp mod applications. And the cool thing is that Deltayowa is still equipped with Yowa Settings that you can use if you are not very familiar with the display settings in Deltayowa.
Not only that, delta whatsapp mod version 2.1.0 which is the latest version released by deltalabsite also presents several unique story views that you can apply, color gradation can also spoil you when you combine 2 colors at once.
Then, you can also display the whatsapp search column in this latest version. And also there are many other modification options such as the main display background image that can be replaced with color gradations and also images and certainly this whatsapp delta also allows you to use transparent themes
As before, this whatsapp delta comes with clone and unclone variants that allow you to use two whatsapp accounts at once on one cellphone.

Delta-Yowa Whatsapp Features :

Excellent Features

  • Light, Dark, Custom and Transparent Theme
  • Custom Emoticon and Fancy Text for Statuses and Chat
  • Custom Tab and Drawer Icons (Replace with your icons in sdcard/DELTA/WhatsApp/icons/)
  • Wallpaper Editor with Telegram Patern
  • Do Not Disturb Mode (DND)
  • Curved Bottom Navigation Menu
  • Instagram Stories
  • Drawer Layout
  • Row with Card
  • Custom Search
  • All YoWhatsApp Features
  • And more...

Privacy Settings

  • Hide online status
  • Disable message forwarding
  • Block calls from unknown numbers
  • Manage calls only from predetermined numbers
  • Not visible when viewing friend's status
  • Anti-delete status
  • Anti-delete message
  • Only show a blue check after the message is replied
  • Hide blue check
  • Hide check two
  • Eliminate typing status
  • Eliminate the status of recording voice messages
  • Get rid of the MIC button on the chat page

Other Features

  • Clears the WhatsApp log
  • Send images up to 18MB
  • Send more than 10 image files at one time
  • Increase the video upload size limit to 700MB
  • proximity sensor
  • Turn off output switching
  • Back up data and restore data
  • Hiding media from the gallery
  • Lock feature, recovery question, pin, password, pattern
  • Widget


Delta-Yowa v1.1.3
  • Fix Home Wallpaper

Delta-Yowa v1.1.2 Rev
  • Anti-Ban (Anti Block Temporary
  • Fix Update Status for Android 9 (pie)
  • Fix Crash Voice Note
  • New Action from Icon Tab
  • Coloring Search View

DELTA-YOWA v2.1.0 :
  • Based on FM 8.12 with Emoji Changer
  • Custom SearchView
  • Gradient Tab Color
  • Auto Reply
  • Scheduler Message
  • Auto Text, Fancy Text, Fancy Emoticon
  • Redesign Home Style
  • New Tab Style
  • 4 Stories Style
  • Enable Stickers Search on Stories

DELTA-YOWA v2.2.0 :
  • Auto Reply
  • Row Height
  • Search Color
  • Home Wallpaper
  • Online Last Seen Color

Credits :

  • Deltalabs Studio
  • Fouad Mokdad
  • Yousef Al Basha
  • Atnfas Hoak
  • BEGAL Group

How to Install Delta Yowa WhatsApp

How to Install Delta Yowa v1.1.2 Rev

  1. Backup Chat in the settings menu (WhatsApp Official & WhatsApp Mod Unclone)
  2. Uninstall Whatsapp Official or Whatsapp mod Unclone
  3. Install MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk (Unclone / Clone) and verify the number
  4. Restore Chat
  5. After installing MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk (Unclone / Clone), please continue to install DELTA-YOWA v1.1.2 Rev Apk (Unclone / Clone) without uninstalling MASTER- YOWA

For those of you who doubt that you will be blocked, it's a good idea to use the unclone version and follow the instructions below:

  1. Uninstall Whatsapp Official or Whatsapp mod
  2. Install MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk (Unclone) and verify the number
  3. Skip or Skip Google Drive
  4. After installing MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk (Unclone), please continue to install DELTA-YOWA v1.1.2 Rev Apk (Unclone) without uninstalling MASTER-YOWA installation

How to Install Delta Yowa v1.1.3
For friends who have previously installed v1.1.2, you can go directly without version 1.1.3 by adjusting the installed clone or unclone version.
And for those who have never been able to follow the following tutorial:

  1. Uninstall Whatsapp Official or Whatsapp mod
  2. Install MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk and verify your cellphone number
  3. Skip or Skip Google Drive
  4. After installing MASTER-YOWA 7.99 Apk please continue to install DELTA-YOWA v1.1.3 Rev Apk without uninstalling MASTER-YOWA

How to Install Delta Yowa v2.2.0
If you previously used the official whatsapp downloaded from Playstore and want to switch to using the latest whatsapp delta both clone and unclone versions, please refer to the following tips.
  1. Please backup or back up WhatsApp chat first.
  2. Uninstall Whatsapp Ori
  3. Install Delta Whatsapp v2.2.0 unclone version
  4. Log in using your cellphone number and restore chat will appear

For the clone version itself, it's a little different to make our WhatsApp chat recoverable.
  1. Please backup or back up WhatsApp chat first.
  2. Uninstall Whatsapp Ori
  3. Change the name of the Whatsapp folder to YoWhatsapp and some media folders will also be changed to YoWhatsapp
  4. Install Delta Whatsapp v2.2.0 clone version
  5. Log in using your cellphone number and restore chat will appear
How to Install Delta Yowa v2.3.0

  1. Please backup or back up WhatsApp chat first.
  2. Uninstall Whatsapp Ori
  3. Install Delta Whatsapp v2.3.0 unclone version
  4. Log in using your cellphone number and restore chat will appear

For the clone version itself, it's a little different to make our WhatsApp chat recoverable.
  1. Please backup or back up WhatsApp chat first.
  2. Uninstall Whatsapp Original
  3. Change the name of the Whatsapp folder to YoWhatsapp and some media folders will also be changed to YoWhatsapp
  4. Install Delta Whatsapp v2.3.0 clone version
  5. Log in using your cellphone number and restore chat will appear

Download Delta-Yowa Whatsapp Anti-Ban Apk

Master Yowa v7.99 Apk
Delta Yowa v1.1.2 Rev Apk
Delta Yowa v1.1.3 Apk
Delta Yowa v2.1.0 Apk
Delta Yowa v2.2.0 Apk
Delta Yowa v2.3.0 Apk
com.wa com.wa- Mirrorcom.yowa com.yowa - Mirror
Clone = com.yowa dll
Unclone = com.wa
So first the article about the application WhatsApp Mod Anti Block Delta Yowa Apk that I can write on this occasion. If there is anything or something that you want to ask about the problem that you found while using this ys whatsapp delta, you can immediately leave a comment. Happy Using and Greetings extraordinary.

About the Author

“Hustle in silence and let your success make the noise.”

3 تعليقات

  1. But, the Aero WhatsApp application provides you more features than any other applications...
    1. its latest version comes with much more great features
  2. Such a useful post . would love to see more.
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